Picture of Micah Valentine
Micah Valentine

Micah Valentine serves 14 years of his precious life in Digital Marketing business. Now, he is running one of the best Digital Marketing Agency, ascendmarketingnow.com. He knows ins and outs. Read his articles and get benefits from his experience.

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Things are constantly changing, take as example; new trends in Website Design, these may not be so relevant in the next ten years. SEO has also proven to be changing rapidly. Search Engine Optimization like every venture, constantly requires a good strategy to work effectively and most managers go through mistakes before finding the strategy that is effective. Just when you think you have mastered a useful strategy, the cards get shuffled and the strategy becomes obsolete. A useful strategy is to keep in mind that content development is done for people, so room should be made for grammatical and typographical errors. Using natural language especially optimized locally for a target location is very effective too. As much as SEO goes, your strategies may work, but do they work well enough for you? This article Exposes 6 useful tips on how to make the most out of your SEO strategy.

1.Keyword Research

Keyword research is an absolute necessity no matter the strategy you employ. Do you know why keywords are so important to SEO? Because that is what people use in their searches. The right keywords bring out the effectiveness of you strategy while the wrong keyword could prove rather discouraging. It is important to ensure the keywords are relevant and that they reflect what you are offering directly. Misleading people into visiting your site (when the offer on your site does not match their search query) is not a good strategy. Take the time to find the right keywords before starting your SEO journey.

2.Use Images And Video

Images and video have proven to be an effective way to drive engagement. Content without any of these does not get much attention from visitors. A general effective business strategy is finding the need for your products or services and supplying them. Since pages with images or videos generally convert more- give them what they want. Ensure that your strategy provides an engaging video or image in the SEO.

3.Boost Your Backlink Strength

Backlinks matter, almost as well as keywords do. The quality and strength of the websites that link to yours is important to Google and should matter to you too. Linking to sites with trust issues can only reflect negatively on your SEO. The same way when the strength and quality of your backlinks are good, so would your strategy be. Start building your backlinks today and pay attention to quality.

4.Use Analytics

Use of analytics is one of the most important ways to enhance your SEO strategy. Ignoring analytics is a sign that whatever strategy that may be adopted might not be successful. Analytics serve as the tool that tracks and measures the progress of your SEO efforts. Analytics reports are useful tools marketers use to improve their SEO strategies. The reports provide timely and organised data that can be easily interpreted and analysed. The most important aspect of using analytics is the provision of useful information that is relevant for improvement.

5.Keep Up With Changes

To ensure your strategy remains effective, keep an eye out for changes in SEO process. Google may come up with different ways their algorithm work or there may be new technology that renders your strategy obsolete. It does not matter what the latest changes are as long as you keep up. Sometimes changes may happen for keywords you have optimized already. Editing and adding relevant changes to already existing content adds another layer to your SEO process. This way has proven to be very effective for bloggers and other website owners, generating new traffic and fresh new group of readers looking for information on the updated content.

6.Optimize For Mobile Devices

The age of mobile traffic is upon us. No effective strategy that hopes to survive 2019 should exclude mobile. Besides building responsive websites that support several screen sizes, ensure that SEO strategy is targeted to include mobile users. According to statistics about 80% of search traffic today comes from mobile sources. Check your SEO closet and throw out any strategy that does not include mobile users, it would no longer be relevant. Most people who carried out a product search visited a local store within ten miles of their location. Local SEO is important for businesses with physical stores like restaurants, stores, shops, food vendors and so on. Most mobile users do not hide their locations when carrying out searches, having a business near them that they might be searching for can be very possible. When you optimize locally, you can use the local languages and style of expressions to develop your content in order to drive engagement and conversions through the roof.


Getting a strategy that works can be a journey sometimes. People try and fail first most times before finding what works. It does not matter how many times you have failed keep trying. Pay attention to analytics and use the report to your advantage. It is important to note that none of the systems work independently; they all rely on each other to be effect. Like the saying goes ‘a chain is only as strong as its weakest links’. Ensure that every part of the SEO system functions effectively. Lastly, throw out old strategies when new ones get developed, the world is rapidly changing and nobody gains from being stuck in the past.

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