Maximize your ROI with our Paid Ads services

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Companies on top of Google get 75% more business. Increase leads and revenue with us.
Remarketing and AdWords

We Help You With All Google Ads Campaigns.

Search, Display, Guaranteed, Maps, Remarketing Ads

Google Ads (also thought of as Pay-Per-Click or PPC) is an advertising service offered by Google for businesses wanting to display ads on Google typically in the searches. This differs from Search Engine Optimization in the sense that SEO displays websites in the organic section (purple) while Ads display on the top and right side of the searches (blue).

For this type of online marketing a company will need to set a budget for advertising. The two compelling aspects of PPC is businesses only pay when people click the ads, and businesses can get an instant return on their marketing dollars.

Remarketing and AdWords

Remarketing (sometimes called Retargeting) is nothing more than a super clever way to get in front of visitors (who have visited your site with purchasing intent) over and over again. Visitors to your website who don’t make an immediate decision, when they first landed, on your website will be “marketed to again” or remarketed to.

Remarketing allows you to position targeted ads in front of that customer who previously visited your site as they browse on other sites throughout the internet.

ascend marketing

How Ascend Team Can Help

We enjoy adapting our strategies to offer every client the best solutions that are at the forefront of the industry.

search Ads

Display ads

video ads

local map ads

Google Guaranteed


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